Dental veneers are an ideal cosmetic solution for anyone who wants a beautiful smile with minimal invasions into the teeth.
Porcelain veneers are thin ceramic shells with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.7 mm, which are permanently cemented to the front surface of the teeth.
As one of the high quality aesthetic solutions, they do not require large tooth substance removal which makes their application very popular right now.
Porcelain veneers or veneers are thin ceramic shells with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.7 mm, which are permanently cemented to the front surface of the teeth.
We want to identify NON-Prep veneers, which are installed directly on the tooth, without drilling and pain. They are minimal in thickness and provide a dazzling smile with many years of warranty.
With ceramic veneers we can correct various defects of existing teeth, such as: correction of the shape and position of the teeth when they are turned and do not have the right shape, the closure of diastema (space between the teeth), the restoration of crowns in case of tooth fracture, bite correction, correction of tooth enamel loss, If you are not satisfied with the shape of the teeth. If you have any of the above indications, dental veneers may be the right solution.
Veneers are a solution that lasts over time and can even exceed 10 years. Obviously, to ensure that they last as long as possible, a number of conditions are necessary. First of all, the materials must be of high quality and then the professionalism of the dentist is also very important.
In addition, the patient must take care of the maintenance of the veneers by following some indications that may be useful to prolong their integrity. He should avoid chewing too hard food and biting his nails; brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day and professional cleaning periodically to avoid the accumulation of plaque; avoid smoking, food and drinks that can stain your teeth.
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